
Current macOS Version: 6.0.5
Works with: macOS 12.0+

Current iOS & iPadOS Version: 1.0.7
Works with: iOS / iPadOS 15.0+

Get it from the App Store

Keep track of your passwords.

What user name and password did I use for that site? What is the password to sign into that app? What did I set up as a PIN for that account? Keep track of your user names, passwords, site links, and more!

Keep track of your products.

When did I purchase that product? Is it still under warranty? Who do I contact for support? Keep track of your product purchase dates, warranties, serial numbers, support contact info and more!

Available for macOS, iOS, and iPadOS!

Built from the ground up

Apple Devices

iKeeper has been completely reimagined and entirely rewritten in SwiftUI as a fully native macOS app. At the same time, it retains the ease-of-use and most popular features from prior versions so long-time users will feel right at home. And now it is also available as a full-featured app for iOS and iPadOS so you can access and manage your password and product info wherever you go.

Keeping you in sync

iKeeper uses iCloud to keep your data in sync across all of your macOS, iOS, and iPadOS devices. Add a new record on your Mac and watch as it magically appears on your iPhone. Delete it from your iPhone and watch as it vanishes from your Mac. Getting a new Mac, iPhone, or iPad? Just log in with your Apple ID, grab a copy of iKeeper from the App Store, and there’s your data ready to go!

iKeeper Sync

Organize your data and find what you’re looking for.

Custom labels

Label Prefs

Labels enable you to organize your passwords and products. iKeeper lets you create and manage labels in app preferences / settings (⌘,) on macOS or in the options section on iOS and iPadOS. Labels are synced across all of your devices via iCloud. Not sure where to begin? iKeeper can create some default labels to get you started. Adding a new record and don’t have the right label for it? No need to cancel out of what you are doing, just select “Add Label” at the bottom of the label choices to enter and assign a new one.

Filter by labels

iKeeper Filtering

iKeeper makes it easy to add new password and product records on any of your devices, but with that, your lists grow larger and it can become increasingly difficult to quickly get to the ones that you want to see without a lot of scrolling (especially at smaller screen sizes like an iPhone or iPad). iKeeper offers a fast and effective solution to this problem. Simply make a selection from the label popup menu in the toolbar above the list and it will be filtered to show only the password or product records that you assigned to that label.

Simple search


Are you looking for something in particular? Find it even faster by clicking on the search field in the toolbar at the top of the iKeeper window in macOS or by swiping down in your password or product list to reveal the search field to tap on in iOS & iPadOS. Then simply enter what you’re looking for and iKeeper will quickly display the password or product results as you type. If your list is unfiltered, iKeeper will search through all records. If your list is filtered by a label, iKeeper will search only the records assigned to that label.

But wait, there’s more…

Status at-a-glance

With iKeeper you can always see which passwords and product warranties are active (green) or expired (red) with colored status dots appearing in your overview list based on the date and optional duration you can set in your records. You can also change the expiration caution per-device to be warned (yellow) up to 30 days before any expirations occur.

Embrace the darkness

See iKeeper in a whole new light. Simply change your system settings on macOS, iOS, or iPadOS to dark mode.

Dark Mode iKeeper


Sensitive Data Hidden

I take your privacy very seriously, which is why iKeeper never shares any personal data. Any contact information that is provided when sending feedback through this site is never shared with anyone and is deleted as soon as issues are resolved. I also strongly recommend that everyone using iOS, iPadOS, and macOS devices protect them with the security options Apple offers such as Touch ID or Face ID, especially if you are traveling and using them in public, not just to keep your data in my apps safe, but to keep all of the data on your devices safe. This philosophy of protecting your data extends to the user interface of iKeeper itself. When you are at home you might feel safe and enjoy the convenience of being able to open up iKeeper and quickly see a full list of all your user names, passwords, PINs, and serial codes of products you have purchased, but when you are out in public, you might want to prevent someone looking over your shoulder from seeing such data. So iKeeper provides a per-device option which can be enabled in app preferences / settings on macOS or in the options section on iOS and iPadOS to hide sensitive data in the password and product lists.

Import from iKeeper 5

If you are upgrading from the prior macOS version, iKeeper will automatically locate your unlocked data file and display an import tab in the app preferences / settings window. Simply select that and then click on the “Import iKeeper 5 Data” button. The process will start by identifying any labels that you assigned to records in the prior version that are not already present and import them into the appropriate list. It will then collect and convert all of your old password and product records into the new format. Finally it will save the data into the new version and sync it with iCloud so you can use it on all of your macOS, iOS, and iPadOS devices. Once complete, iKeeper will display the date of the import 

iKeeper Import Pref

Time-saving popup menu

Popup Menu

iKeeper enables you to access a lot of time-saving features without even leaving the overview list. Simply select the info icon at the start of any line to popup a menu of choices. For passwords, you can copy the password, go to the website, or even do both simultaneously. For products, you can copy the serial code, call support (if you have an iPhone), email support, or visit the support website. And if you’ve hidden all sensitive data in your list, you can also see that info in the menu for the record you have selected.